New for 2025, Healthy Pantry Items!

From Einkorn to Raw Honey to Maple Syrup, with more coming

Our New Logo Explained

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Please don’t be confused when you visit the website or farm store and sense something looks different. It’s still the same farm, the same family, the same clean-food philosophy. We just have a new logo to express our purpose.

Our original logo depicting animals on grass will be history. Quite frankly, we struggled with this decision for a while, but the old logo was our original back when we were Freedom Acres and felt increasingly outdated. It was designed by our original web designer and it fit our needs then as an upstart business focusing on pastured meats and dairy. When we rebranded to Pasture to Fork in 2021 (due to attacks from the county and state), we just reworked the old logo.

But we’ve grown and changed—hopefully matured as a farm and business—since 2021. We now carry many foods from other purveyors in addition to our original line of pastured meats and dairy, and we felt it’s time to upgrade the logo as well.

So, what does this new look depict? As you can see, it's a tuft of grass with a fork in the center. Underneath the grass, of course, is soil. This represents our philosophy that all real lasting nutrition must come from well-stewarded soil. Like money, soil is hard to accumulate and easy to diminish. Therefore, responsible gardeners and farmers are always careful to steward it carefully.

So, with soil as the basis, next comes the tuft of grass. This carries a double meaning, one of which is the “pasture” in Pasture to Fork. It also characterizes plants, which are the basis of all human food. Whether it be grains, vegetables, or grasses, human food is directly or indirectly derived from the plants growing from the earth.

On occasion food is directly obtained from parts of the plant such as vegetables or grains, and sometimes an animal harvests the plant and turns it into a different form of food, which is food indirectly obtained from the earth. That animals can eat life forms inedible to humans (grass is neither desirable or palatable to humans as a direct food source) and turn it into highly nutritious foods is one of the miracles of creation, in my opinion.

Although we say “grass” and at first glance our pastures may appear to be merely grass, the new logo intentionally depicts a variety of grasses to represent the diversity we seek to propagate in our fields. Plant variety equals health to pastured animals.

And finally, the fork in the center represents eaters—you and I, who eat the sustenance derived from the plant in which the fork rests. It also represents, of course the “fork” in the moniker Pasture to Fork. Humankind is literally dependent on the umbilical of earth’s ecology for survival, and while that fact has been masked by the advent of modern processed foods found on nearly every street corner in this country, we are still helplessly dependent on earth’s abundance for survival.  

This new logo also illustrates a very short chain of events from soil to fork, which represents responsible eaters obtaining food in close proximity to its original source—such as from the actual producer. True, Pasture to Fork now carries many foods we don’t grow or create ourselves, but we promise to always have a direct next-person connection to the growers or processors of all the foods we offer, and our family is the screening instrument. If it’s not good enough to feed to our children, we don’t offer it to you, and our standards are:

GMO Free
Humanely Raised
No Antibiotics
100% Grassfed (beef and dairy)
Hormone Free
Beyond Organic
Pastured and Woodlot Raised Pork
Pasture raised Chicken
Sugar Free (aside from alternative sugars in moderation)
No Herbicides or Pesticides
no mRNA vaccines (other vaccines of any kind)
citric acid free
A2A2 dairy

Our mission is to produce nourishing foods that impart health, hope, and healing to the eaters thereof, in a manner that regenerates the natural elements of the earth, honors God, and respects creation. Our vision is to end the chronic illness plague that hampers Americans, and we strive to do so by enhancing health, nutrition, and happiness.

Our work as farmers and food producers is only the beginning. Farmers and eaters (I prefer “eaters” over “consumers”) need to continue onward for generations to increase the abundance of the soil, the vigor of animals, the health-giving properties of food, the independence of farmers, and the health of the environment!

Thanks for your support and enjoy excellent food in 2025!

All the best,

Sam (and the Pasture to Fork team)

PS: It will take some time to fully transition to the new logo. Digital content on the store is easy. But all printed materials on the farm will slowly be phased out and replaced. Thanks for your patience :)