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Raw Buttermilk - pint

Raw Buttermilk - pint

1 Pint - 16 oz.

What is buttermilk? 

Old-fashioned homemade buttermilk is the slightly sweet liquid that remains after butter is churned. It may be flecked with tiny spots of sweet, creamy butter that didn't quite make it to the top to be skimmed.

Because most butter is made commercially these days and it's hard to tell what happens with the buttermilk in a commercial dairy processing plant. Therefore, most buttermilk available in stores is made from milk treated (or "cultured") with lactic acid bacteria, meaning it's essentially a manufactured product. 

Our buttermilk is the old-fashioned variety and comes from making butter in our own little processing facility on our dairy farm. This also means it comes from our 100% grassfed cows and is likely the most trustworthy buttermilk available.

Whether you need it for presoaking grains or for that favorite pancake or waffle recipe, for salad dressing or for pie crusts, choose old-fashioned buttermilk from a reliable source.