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20 lb. Bone-in Breast Bundle

20 lb. Bone-in Breast Bundle

20 lbs. bone-in breast packaged 1 breast per pack.

In terms of chicken breast, bone-in provides an excellent alternative to boneless. Yes, not as convenient, but an overall more flavorful (bone always equals flavor) breast meat, and if you leave the skin on to cook you get a crispy fat cover to boot.

Our 20-pound value bundle lets you relax in the assurance of the abundance of a well-stocked freezer. While America shops on average every 3 days, you can pursue other hobbies knowing your next meal is only a few steps away and save while doing so. Made up of approximately 10 packs of bone-in breast packaged one breast per package, the bundle provides a lasting supply of excellent beyond-organic chicken breast.

For a simple low-stress dinner, cook a bone-in cook breast at low heat (280-300 degrees) in a covered casserole for 3-4 hours. in the final hour-an-a-half add some diced potatoes, carrots, onions, and garlic, and you’ll have a complete dish table-ready for dinner.

Pasture to Fork pastured chicken is brooded, raised on pasture, dressed, packaged, and frozen right here on our Chester County farm. It just doesn’t get cleaner or more local than this.