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Pork Lard - Quart

Pork Lard - Quart

1 Quart | Pkg.

If you’re looking for a pure-white lard rendered from pastured pork, look no further. This is a must for perfect pie crusts, deep frying, sauteing, or just to use as a simple cooking oil.

Similar to fats from other pastured animals, lard from pastured pigs is an excellent source of healthy fat and should be used frequently to optimize brain and joint health. Lard, however, differs from beef tallow or butter in that it contains higher levels of Vitamin D, if the pigs are raised on pasture. The reason for that is that pigs carry most of their fat right under the skin across the back and sides of their body. Being in the sunshine causes this fat to absorb a lot of Vitamin D.

Unknown to many people, pork lard is very shelf stable. While lard comes frozen from Pasture to Fork, it will keep for a very long time even in the fridge, which makes it convenient to grab a spoonful for your cooking pan without having to thaw it. Pork lard, historically, was stored for long periods of time in cellars and even at room temperatures. I don't know if I would recommend that, but it does put into perspective just how shelf stable it is.

In order to bring you the cleanest and healthiest lard we never feed our pigs soy or genetically modified feeds. While the pork industry creates what we believe to be perhaps the most unnatural environment for hogs (confined to a building, surrounded by concrete and steel), Pasture to Fork pigs live outdoors in green pastures and in select woodlots, resulting in an unprecedented all-natural lard that you can use without feeling like you’re compromising your health values.